Mortgage LendingCall Number: KF 695 .M68
ISBN: 978-1-60248-182-4
Publication Date: 2019
Loan Origination, Preemption, and Litigation
Dramatic Changes Concerning Mortgage Lending and Federal Preemption
New underwriting standards, automated valuation, and the ability-to-repay requirement
Changes to uniform residential loan applications
Reverse mortgages, land installment contracts, HELOCs, home equity sharing, and other non-traditional mortgages
New RESPA requirements and VA limits on points and other charges
Restrictions on loan steering, mortgage broker practices and compensation
Title insurance, private mortgage insurance, attorney fees, new rules for appraisers
Regulation of interest rates, balloon payments, prepayment penalties, and negative amortization
New limits on federal preemption of state credit and mortgage laws
Highly Practical; Invaluable Litigation Tips
Gathering and analyzing key documents
Survey of all applicable federal and state laws
Third party liability and 10 limits on the holder-in-due-course defense, including application to electronic notes
Standing for RESPA claims after Spokeo
Restrictions on arbitration in mortgage litigation
Suing failed banks